Never too old to rock and…ooo me hip…
Night out with the Team from work which i’d envisioned as a quiet meal with a little witty repartee, followed by me slinking off to the bus didn’t quite work out that way. As soon as the meal was finished, we headed to Ra!n Bar, then to Joshua Brooks then the fateful cry went up:
Now, i’ll confess that I like Jilly’s Rockworld a lot. The people are friendly and the music’s good at least part of the time. Also, there’s no other club where the likes of me would look enough like one of the in crowd to impress the Lay Deez.
The problem is the opening hours. More specifically, the fact that it’s open until 7 a.m.
I discovered there’s a whole new definition of “in trouble” for staggering in at 5:30 a.m. not having noticed the selection of increasingly panicky messages your beloved has been leaving on your phone for the last 3 hours.