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Jabber/GTalk: Delishus

Posts by Scott

Warnings Your Life Needs Work


1/ You find yourself sighing when you get out of bed.

2/ And again when you get to the bus stop.

3/ You take the bus that goes the Other Way just for a change and feel a bit reckless for doing it.

4/ You find yourself watching the students (presumably at this time of the morning on their way home from something) and think about doing another degree.

5/ You notice the bands now playing Ironically at the student union are the ones you queued up for four hours to get tickets for when you were 19

6/ The John Martyn on the iPod is REALLY hitting the spot when the iPod has a hissy fit and dies. Again. You take this as a sign.

7/ You get off the bus and think “Hey, i’m wearing combats and DMs and carrying a rucksack – I wonder if anyone will mistake me for a student” just as the girl who was about to hand you a flyer for a club night glances at you and hands it to the guy behind you.

8/ You get a buzz when your second bus turns up just as you get to the stop.

9/ As you wander through the industrial estate to work, you imagine the foul stench coming from the hedgerow is the badly mutilated corpse of an investigative journalist who got too close to The Truth and you’ll discover it and be on the news and you follow up on the story, drawing the attention of some Mr Big Gang Boss who’ll try to silence you and make it look like a bizarre fencepost accident, but you’ll outsmart him and catch him in the act and you’ll send him to chokey for a stretch and the police will honour you and ask for your help busting crimes in the future and someone in L.A will write a cop show based on your life and you’ll get a fortune in royalties which you’ll spend on charitable good works, booze and loose women, leading to your inevitable downard spiral which will be made into a film on the Hallmark channel, earning you yet more royalties which this time you’ll invest carefully in property and ethical companies, making you millions and meaning you never have to work again, so you dedicate your life to spiritual development and Rockin’ Out, resulting in an album which achieves the never before heard blend of New Age mellowness and hard-edged ball-crunching metal with a folk-jazz-country tinge, capturing the public imagination and leading you to your long coveted career as a professional musician where you achieve success artistically and financially.

10/ You realise the smell is coming from a dead seagull that’s been hit by a lorry. You take this as a sign, too.

11/ You get to your office and realise that the last hour will probably be more interesting than anything in the next eight.

12/ You sigh again.



Been an odd few weeks. Lots going on which I might write about later. Possibly much later. Nothing mysterious, though!

As buggerlugs mentioned, we went out to Yakisoba for her birthday, a variation on a usual Saturday night which involves yakking and no sobriety whatsoever. We nipped into Bar Braw first to discover whether it was genuinely Braw or or actually Keech. Seemed OK – not the rough dives I like, but pleasant enough.

I felt a bit apprehensive when we opened the door to Yakisoba. Not due to the restaurant so much as the sound of cackling Chorlton flooding the place. A small place with a bare wooden floor and 12 hopped up hoorays yelling at each other.


Maybe it was because they were busy but seemed a bit “cosy” to me. I like to operate my elbows in time with my eating requirements, not as a culinary ballet with the next table.

The food, though – wow, the food! I had a suspicion the Bento Box thing would seem a bit gimmicky but in fact it’s a perfectly sensible way to present a selection of food items in one go. Plus I imagine it makes washing up easier.

Anyway, a bigger range of veggie food than you usually get anywhere, which was cool. I went for the Happy Buddha Bento. Cos I was happy and have a physique like Buddha, innit?

‘erself had some fish based concoction and judging by the slurpy noises across the table, that was excellent, too.



I’m still here, but knackered and my head’s all over the place. I’ll get back into blogging soon. honest.

Lisa just sent me this link saying because the following could be about me:-

“The problem that a lot of my students have is that they can never finish anything. They can’t just complete something and be a bit light about it. They tend to be so concerned about it being perfect, or it being genius. When you have very high expectations of yourself it makes it impossible to actually produce anything.”

How true. Being a big music fan, the worst thing I can imagine is writing something awful and offending the music gods. Hence I never finish Anything.

At least i’m not alone in that.

Gravely read the stones


Innit quiet round ‘ere?

sorry about that. Stupid XBox

Waiting for the bus today, I noticed that Southern Cemetery now has its name on display. On two slabs, one either side of the gate. Is it just me or is putting the name of the cemetery on what looks uncannily like a pair of headstones in slightly poor taste??

An indoor hobby destined to kill my wrists


Some people, I’m led to believe, have partners who they describe as High Maintenance. The sort of person who will manipulate, scheme and plot to get what they want, usually something expensive costing the poor love-struck dupe a fortune. Sophie sometimes costs me a large sum for precisely the opposite reason – she never EVER talks me out of buying anything, no matter how insane. The swine.

So for some reason, I bought an X-Box 360 yesterday. I’m still not sure why. Can’t really claim to have been a game addict at any point in my life but I want to see what I’m missing.

Of the three games I’ve bought so far, my favourite is “Project Gotham Racing 3”. The plot goes like this:-

Drive big flash car round track

hit stuff


say to yourself “just one more shot”


8 hours later wonder what happened to your day.

I should point out that i’m no expert gamer and even less expert at driving (failed my cycling proficiency test…no, really, I did) but I absolutely LOVE this. The sound’s amazing, the rendering is unbelievable and it’s so bloody addictive.

Doesn’t half make your forearms sting, though.

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