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Jabber/GTalk: Delishus

Posts by Scott

An outrage


Is there no end to it?? will The Man never just leave us alone??

This is a step too far. They’ll prise my sporran from my COLD DEAD FINGERS.

New Pants


Having finally admitted defeat, I bought several new pairs of work trousers this weekend as my old ones were more hole than trouser.

Wearing them today, I am delighted to find I can safely put loose change in my pocket AND open my legs.

Which makes me sound like a cheap hooker but then I always was anybody’s for a bag of wine gums and a smile.

A modern problem


In these sophisticated times, how does an elegant gentleman respond to the following situation?

When running for one’s bus and one’s shoes slide and one finds oneself flying towards the ground, only for a bus shelter to get in the way reducing your velocity due to the friction between your face and the glass but causing a ricochet casually onto the pavement, is there a correct procedure for maintaining one’s dignity?

Cos i bloody didn’t.

I don’t mean to be picky …


… but O J FUCKING SIMPSON?????????

It’s been staring me in the face


What this blog needs

What EVERY blog needs

Country and Western Lyrics

So, this is how it works. I’ll start you off – you add lines in the comments and when we get enough for a whole song, I’ll sell it to someone in Nashville and we can split the readies in the boozer.

Title: “I just feel 2 Down because of some 1 Across the sea”

“I’m just-a feeling H Blank Blank T
Cos U R going away and I’m blue
I feel SO broken HEARTED
like a mixed up ASH TREE DO”

well, it’s a bit of a Guardian C/W song but who knows? ….

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